FlatEarther's Snaps

Spooning w Stoot
Stoot was just a puppet, who is the power behind the ASS
Got the cloak of invisibility covering my whole tower.....
I command it to............SNOW!
Feeling antlery....
Tonight, stargazers, there will be two moons in the sky!
He's got my whole rod, in his hands....
Faster hoochie-cat!
It's good to be the king.....
Butterfly wisdom
Not sure who caught whom, I'm just glad he's here with us.
The earth is flat not pointy!
MoF's House looks fine to me, check her snap...maybe she's had...
Dusty celebrates Civility, the best group in Glitch! We get...
so many unanswered questions...where does the door lead? and why...
P is for Pippa, and Phoebe, and Fphantom, and...
So sweetly sleeping...among the sweets so heaping...Glitch is...
Jeasilver....a life flushed before its time.
I just can't quit LanaLoo......
I always wanted TS to add a disco ball for when I pole dance.....
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