Eye Wonder's Snaps

Introducing Gemstone Therapy! It's a work in progress. Note poles...
WOW check out that SWARM! Geez
My metal machine won't stop running and they say it can't be...
ponytails fly
sky flying
fluff clouds
Really? In Hell? That's Qurazy!
onto building the next floor!
Top floor built! A few things for are now up for sale!
World of Wonder
Go butterflies! Go!
tower deco so far
Total funness!
Finally! A use for that general building permit. Off it goes!
A swimming hole!
Surprise! I have so much food! Be on the look out for dropped...
Reminds me of the Oregon Coastline
and out of every ending....there is a new beginning....om....
Tree death....a beauty of it's own.
death of the fruit
I'm a catfish.
huh? Is this note pole supposed to be in this community machine...
This is the most blended in Quoin I have ever seen! I had to go...
Loving my food area.
A nice full paper tree. So lovely is she.
Need fuel badge? Machine on my home street for you. Come on by!
This is the first butler I have seen that I can say is ADORABLE!
Look how happy my butler Bliss is.
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