Gertie Mack's Snaps

The answers to all our questions :)
Hangin' out with Grandma Juju :)
silly kids :D
Going to Asslandia!
Butlers rock
Welcome to my WORLD =)
Awww, I love her <3
Corn Dong!
Celebatory dance with Morgan and Passepartout <3
"I" am the best hider....
Grave Robbers! OMG! Or.... Zombies =\
A reminder of how precious life is and how quickly things can...
Story Time! :)
will the real scheijan please stand up...
something odd here....
Just one moar snap. I'm so excited :O
No Way!!!! I'm a star! *beams proudly*
Who is hiding in the Buble Bath?
stoot!!!! why won't this flamigo fly? Make it flyyyyyyy
Talk to me flamingo! I KNOW YOU CAN!
??Catch Me I'm Falling... ? ?
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