Aira's Snaps

Dirt diggin' train!
Where are you even getting this information, dullite?
A not-so-clean house. :(
A very clean house.
Bright and shiny new visiting stones!
I'm a mini-me!
Fresh tower!
At least the scenery is... nice...
Whoops. Too much gassifying and not enough attention-paying!
True closeness.
Total train success!!!
We WILL make this train work!
Come on, Glitch Train! Get it together!
Why go outside when you can sit home playing video games?
Sometimes you just need to sit back, relax with your chicken, and...
Secret Garden!
Come on down!
Finally got the house all organized. Hooray for making furniture!
Ha ha bandit!
Good evening, moon.
DO feed the animals, man.
Got myself a deal from the Rube.
One of these faces seems to have a pimple.
Hakusan Heaps Towers... Seems like a pretty sweet place for a...
Chilling in Snool. Peace, man.
On my way out of Ix, my favorite of all places.
A lonely metro ride...
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