Leda von Orion's Snaps

(Swim)suit up, Guys! I swear there's a hyperspacetime portal door...
Imma kick that pig so it'll fell off!!! I wish, tho'... :p
Party Glitchen :D
WOW! The heck? I've been to hell and back again, yet this is...
So pretty... Reminds me of the Avatar world.
The trees got flowers on it? I think I'm in love with this place...
Oh, sweet... I can get in the frame? XD
I always love this story :)
Hi, what are you doing upside down? :D
Oh, God... Oh, God... Oh, God... TT^TT
Oh, wow... beautiful >.<
Hi there, umm... Rexie?
Looks like I'm inside a crocodile mouth
What are those little guy talking about? I can't hear you~.......
I float, lol
Nohohohohooo~...!!! Don't leave meeehhh...!!! ;A;
One should at least take a pic here while visiting Hell... :D
LOL I can see my own grave? It says here lies Leda von Orion......
Hi there, whatever you are~... >.<
Why did the chicken cross the bridge?
Funny name, lol. I doubt it's a coincidence... ^^
Wow.... what had happened in here? >.<
Please have a seat...
Another bridge
What is this bridge?
The last time I was here, there were two of us...
Hmm... weird. I can have two of the very same trophy?