Payday's Snaps

Civility clings together to wait out the final minutes of THE...
Cebarkul sadness cluster.
Happy at home.
Eglesgown Wanks. The pretty map with the funny name.
Rainbow castles in the sky.
Helikitty heaven!
I did not get here in my usual dignified traveller sort of...
Oh, sky chickens.
The subway always made me miss Toronto.
I very much hope this is in homage to the magic of tree chickens.
Oh, fertilisey old friend.
Had to tiptoe in the noisy, crunchy snow past Lazy Cubimal. Shhh!
Goodbye to the fingers of Zille.
Flowers and mountains and piggies forevermore.
Has the river run dry? Has Grendaline already stirred?
Ohoho, 'Tandem Flush' - I seeeeeee! *cough*
I hate you.
This was me.
Napping in the hot springs. Good thinking!
Pigmas tree!
Never enough snaps.
I have never seen its equal.
Such a beautiful surprise on this map that I caught my breath.
Queen of the castle!
Weed world.
Floaty bubble plume!
Another hiding place for the end of Ur.
Jal is so serene and lovely.
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