glassy's Snaps

Doctor, I have this weird growth...
Stupid furniture badges
I made her wet, Yog.
The ghost of Pandora Future!
Just like a washing machine, they say...
why are they out there? freaks...
Damn stalkers
I think he's scared of dragons!
Even dragons get sleepy
The dragons of Ajaya Bliss
Goin to the chapel, and they're
Will the real lunchbox please stand up!
Come on over!
Ilmenski Jones came to the party!
Hiding in the likker closet.
Oh, Yog.
Now to swap this egg for one of my own...
I've still got my lurker's permit.
I am your KING!
You said a mouthful, Zubes...
Hanging with the Dude.
His n hers!
Oh Hells.
more mikes than you can shake a stick at!
I thought my bean would be blue, not green
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