John Egbert's Snaps

ahh, the rube!
another tower!
oh how i'll miss you guys.
i'm learning that rolling dice is pretty much horrible and...
someone just left a bunch of stuff here.
i could never figure out how to get past here. argh.
well, you don't see these every day...
the rube, of course.
community machine room!
another tower!
one of the many towers.
turns out i missed some of these on my way through the land.
i remember this was the highest point in the game before nottis;...
i'm sorry, but that guy hiding there is just creepy.
someone dropped a lot of loot here.
lonely little tent with lots and lots of notes.
someone just left a lot of booze here.
when i came by here, this homestuck was leaving flowers.
i love the view of the moon from here...
the namesake of this place.
here's some ice you could harvest for, well, ice.
oh, i got an emblem as i was passing through!
one of the special gardening tool vendors!
some of the communal garden areas!
a+ cosplay.
freaking sloths in freaking trees.
here's someone's grave i found while walking around.
i love the assorted street spirits.
oops, missed jumping up there. next time, maybe.