Abby Cadabra's Snaps

Basking in her glory
Never bring a suit to a toga party.
We keep Bacon in her cage when she's bad.
You can tell this is a great party.
Hangin with my glitchen!
Hawt party at Civility Corner!
Sitting by harriette's awesome fireplace!
Yo dawg
Should I sit on it?
Bruce says: BLEH
Bruce wants the batterflies
Bruce looks behind herself
Bruce's butt itches
More Bruce's tongue
Bruce sticks her tongue out
More scenery!
Mr Butlertron and I!
OH THE HUMANITY - aka, JNNX's house.
What the heck kind of musicbox is that?
Kevbob is horrified at this turn of events.
Oh my, how embarrassing...we wore the same dev. :P
OMG! Bees!, what are you doing in my house? Waaaaiiit...
Check out that background!
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