OMG BACON!!'s Snaps

Cactus Stress Balls, Devil Reindeer Glitch, Yeti-Boot Glitch,...
Bear Doll, Cake Bake Kitchen(?) Awesome Pot 2000, Newfangled...
Bunny, Little Dragon, Little Bigger Dragon, Pumpkin Vendor, Riot...
Zombie Butler, Rook Tribe Leader, Velociraptor Robot, Cubimal Box...
Hay bale, cute fox, apple-bot
Oh for crying out loud, get off the chicken!
Oh, so when I need grain the most you wouldn't give it to me, yet...
7th rook attack in 6 minutes
What happens when you participate in a dice rolling feat.
If vendors could feel guilty, this one would.
That smile...its unnerving
Excuse me?
The piggy in the frying has stopped complaining, NO JOKE.
Most likely my last trade with the rube.
"One day, revenge. Until then grain." I should have...
Yeah, I know. This place scares me too.
SHould I die now, or later?
Nope, I'm good. I already know everything that will hapeen. :)
:( Why??
Bacon is not the most informed person...
Come on, eat it...
We should be able to attract foxes with salmon.
Do salmen multipy? Cuz there's 36 now...
Why hello there.
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