bored no more's Snaps

OMG FINALLY!!!! thanks everyone, especially Jessenya! <3
hmmm.... something seems off... but I can't quite tell what it is
Boredicus No Moricus: glitchen that loves to bring joy and...
since it's the "in" thing- the museum of art and...
I am such a child
emo bear relaxes in the hot tub
jumping for joy over my new stage. thanks tricky!
hmmm.... don't see any motion detectors.... I'm probably in the...
SIH poor cubi!
"oh no! please don't step on me!"
lazy kleenex
giddy up!
proof that you won't get big and fat playing games all day
just hanging out
friends still hanging around
now selling tombstones! only Glitch that has them. 500 million...
wooo! it's not a true concert until there's a leftover froggy
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