Rushlight's Snaps

All the cubis but the rook! More potential knitting projects!
I'll miss you, Stripey Sheep! Maybe one day I will be skilled...
Awww, kitty.
A historic moment! I was starting to think I would never even see...
Gas Plant, I have a feeling we're not in Oz anymore.
So pretty!
Out of everything? WHAT GOOD ARE YOU??
My, what big teeth you have!
You know all that stuff you were going to do for me when pigs...
Horns! Except for the gnome. He feels left out.
A "subtle" request for donations.
Me and the sloth, we are tight. We bonded over music.
New hat! And a scarier log bridge!
Log bridge!!!
Looters! Vandals! VASEBREAKERS!
Stuck in the foundations of my house! Where is the rescue squad?
Celebrating my first Zilloween by taking my first snapshot!