Stuv's Snaps

Game of Crowns Class Photos
Game of Crowns Class Photo
Hoping to make one last badge out of these scraps... Any offers?
This shop is completely adorable :)
It's dark beyond this hallway
Special One-Time Delivery... :'(
There's a platform up there!
Another group of tourists... get offa my lawn!
Pigs! In! Space!
Aaaand Yellow Yawning.
Bilicious Blues~
Welcome to Asslandia
Greyving Grays, with a side of stoot.
Organish Chute... or should it be Orangish?
Mr Duodenal Browns, and his ladytrain.
Purrrrrrrrpleeeee Brainzzzzzz, nggggggggh
I love rhubarb pig? Maybe.
Streakin' in Ajaya.
I guess that makes this Lake Awn Terio... Ha!
Oh look, the Delaware!
Stop tempting me, button, with your sticky-outy bit.
Thanks, everyone!
Ghost milks, discovered upon expanding my yard.