Awww. This rug does NOT send you back to Urth or do anything but ... lie like a rug.
I think you can walk on it, but I think it will send your guests away from the area on one side...which side...not sure...but I think serenitycat may know...
12 years ago
hiya ;) (great tag on the snap- lie like a rug .rofl)
yes I do know - ;) I love my moat !
Yes, you can walk on the chasm itself ;)
And if you fiddle with the rug placement . Flipping it AND also the alignment of where the zag touches the door itself. Then yes- you can be make it so that it will throw you to one side or the other side (to left or right) . So if you fiddle with it- then you can set it up to " deposit" you on the side of the room that you wish . Feel free to IM if that explanation was hard to follow. ;) (I've been thinking it might be rather amusing to have it deposit you right on top of a manhole rug --for a laugh! .)
Heres a link to mine- i have mine set to deposit visitors safely AWAY from my secret potion making cave area ;)
12 years ago
the rug is a lie!
12 years ago
Vocable Vocable snapped this
at 7:40pm on May 13, 2012
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