I can haz tower? Yay but ... no door!!
Jaen Padryga
is that also a balcony?
12 years ago
If it were bigger, that area at the top is what would be called a widows walk. (google it.) -- this view looks like a mausoleum.
12 years ago
Towers are somehow... less towering than I'd imagined.
12 years ago
I dunno, I can't get inside. But at least reloading did let me customize the outside.
12 years ago
agree- i was thinking tall- kinda thin towers , maybe with a minuet style, a leaning tower of pisa style, and a obelisk type tower with an eye hole and a rook eye peeking out (for the rookists) , and maybe a lighthouse looking one ... so yeah - mausoleum as shown currentlyh was not my line of imagination at all. however - they do say in forums that we whou;d " hold out pants - that more exteriors will come along" . (something liek that ) .
12 years ago
sorry for typos- have to go get some sleep - been to the doctor today - -blah , blah , etc etc.
12 years ago
"If you need more space, just build another floor (up to 9 for now)." Aha. And THAT would make it more towerly. :) Makes sense. Sorry to hijack your pretty tower thread, Vocable. hehe :)
12 years ago
Vocable Vocable snapped this
at 3:30pm on July 11, 2012
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