Action tryout set: A sheep in a tree, ready to fly (or plummet)
Action tryout script: In this scene you play the role of a sheep. The script calls for you to change your Look to closed eyes. If you do not already have a closed-eye look (you can get a set of X-eyes free in Vanity), just change your Look on cue to some different look that you already have.
At the beginning of the scene, you are standing on a shelf and hidden behind a pillar.

RUSTIC: You ask why those sheep are up in the Fruit trees? It's my considered opinion that they're nesting.
(Sheep comes out from behind pillar, still on shelf but now where audience can see it.)
SHEEP: Baaaaa!
RUSTIC: Arrr. It's my belief that these sheep are laborin' under the misapprehension that they're birds. Observe their behavior.
(Sheep hops down from shelf. Sheep jumps back and forth across stage)
Rustic: Take for a start the sheeps' tendency to 'op about the field on their back legs.
SHEEP: Baaaa! Baaa! (Sheep does a triple-jump to get back up onto the shelf)
RUSTIC: Now witness their attempts to fly from tree to tree. Notice that they do not so much fly as...plummet.
(Sheep leaps off edge of shelf and falls to floor. Sheep changes Look to one with closed eyes.)

Come plummet with us! It will be fun and not scary. Well, not very scary. Some scary is good.
12 years ago
Funny! I hope it is okay that I applied my cross between my confederacy of dunces accent and my truman capote accent. I thought it was a good match.
12 years ago
Vocable Vocable snapped this
at 8:37am on July 23, 2012
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