Pixley's Snaps

At the ass-end of Hell, waiting for sweet release....
What's in the booooooooox?
This accessory fits me to... what's the expression?
Mining ninja, sneaking up on my prey.
Stealth frog....
Lots of construction supplies in The Woodshed, including wall...
Unintended consequences of the "laughter" regex?
Now, where's my hockey mask?
Hey, I've got an idea....
Does anyone else see that ghostly figure in the background,...
I never expected to see this in Hell....
Where's the subway map? Where's the red button?
Oh, so *that's* a Qurazy Quoin.
There's supposed to be a door to Umbra here. Why isn't there a...
My first stoot sighting!
Apparently, I grow a lot of herbs.
Deleted plots. So sad. :(
The bedroom
The living room