caley dunn's Snaps

Fishes come to MEEeeeee!
If I wish ver hard, teh candy cane will pop into my bag.
Oh we could fit at least three sheets in here..Bonspiel Time!
C'mon. Sing it with me.. My Ding-a-ling. my ding a ling..oh,...
I can still climb to the top of the big ol spruce
when we'd build snow forts and sing I'm the King of the...
That's one well fed Pigasus
A PIGASUS!!! Just what I dreamed of way back in 2010!!!
Everybody should have TT
Join the Evolution!!!
Is what I have for you Crafty One
and they've hired juju cubi's as guards!
Can better eyes than mine ready the letters on that arch?
I swear he's in there trying to say Hi!
follow your love
Where'd Chook get the bubblegum?
Get a Tissue!!!
and never want to forget it again
trying to hold on the the fleeting
rushing to meet a friend
what the??? Are you working in there?
Forget the img Rock, tell me if Binky knows about this box! He'll...
I'm never going to get all my stuff into one moving box.
We have pitched our tent, and we're staying !
this game was never souless
Rube, yea neverdid give me a doll.. and I built a room for ya and...
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