Adelia's Snaps

The light at the end of the Ur tunnel
Was not expecting to see this here...
Took me entirely too long to first feed a sloth :)
Lava seems like such a strange place to hang out in...
Oh god, it's an actual glitch NPC.
That's a horrible thing to tell glitchen
Oh I didn't believe you guys, but Samudra is beautiful. Truly...
so. cute.
There's something very strange about seeing people's treasures...
.... I feel like whomever left the campfire is just about to come...
I'd like to meet the brave Glitch who would want to set up camp...
So the gnome is doing, what, exactly?
hopefully not the only time I see snow in my life~
Balzare; oh my favourite of the realms;
The seaweed is always greener; in someone else's lake...
Who doesn't love the water in the new areas?
there's something incredibly beautiful about ghosts in Glitch
.... I feel like I'm seeing things
because the skeletal hand isn't warning enough...
giant!Jack the pumpkin
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