Zoo is bummed.. poor herb route..
Addi Bee~?
People are scared of the herb routes now. Its sad. I just keep planting though.
12 years ago
There's too many people blocking anyone who uses their public gardens. It is quite sad, and I honestly think the incentives for using the street as TS intends are simply not enough.

I feel as if these players are not using blocks to protect themselves but to directly oppose the game's design. I'd say perhaps there should be a limit on blocks in a 24 hour period -- I mean, if someone is using more than 3 - 5 blocks per day and needs more it's quite possible player support needs to check out the story. But most of the people I know that have been blocked for simply popping on to a player's street are the members of our community that create and bring player-driven content to the world -- I figure most of these "GIT OFF MY LAWN" types will eventually get "all the tools, all the quests" and whine that "there's nothing left to do" until they get tired of the 2d farmville they've created for themselves out of an MMO and quietly (since no one can hear them anyway) quit.

Or I hope so at least. Next time I'll be sure to tell you how I really feel! ;)
12 years ago
Coriander Fitzbilly
Wait, if you're on the herb route, aren't people /supposed/ to be coming through to harvest herbs?
12 years ago
? Sauce ^__^

I've hit the herb route a few times lately, and when I harvest, I always replant what I've gathered (yellow crumb = yellow crumb, hairball = hairball)... and sometimes I leave the extra flowers with the Glitch's butler.

Anyone who's on the herb route should expect their crops to be taken... though it surely is appreciated when those crops get replanted ;)
12 years ago
I even have yellow crumb that goes untouched for days. Even on the herb route, people are afraid of getting blamed for something and blocked. Game mechanics be damned, I contend its a ridiculous environment thats being created.
12 years ago
Streets are public. Backyards are not. Plain & simple to me. Anything I put on my street I put there for the enjoyment of both friends and strangers. Just be nice and don't trash it. But harvesting is not a reason for blocking. Perhaps there has to be blocking criteria? I just don't know.
12 years ago
I didn't intend to start a debate on blocking, only wanted to make a sad face about the plots that were harvested and not replanted. :-( I think I am going to give up on running the herb route though because I spend more time cleaning up other people's messes. Plus, I have had to buy herb seeds in the towers just to replant a bare patch. (cuz, if like...there were herbs there I could shuck them... )

Sad Zooo... I thought about joining the serious herb route too, but now I am just giving up.
12 years ago
Addi Bee~?
Zoooooooooooooo, feel free to use my plots as you see fit. I am not on a route. I usually have yellow in them, though so not a lot of down time.
12 years ago
Zooo, I was definitely not complaining about you or the herb routes at all. I have read posts and comments in chat about people being blocked for harvesting on personal streets and I was flabbergasted. And I always replant whenever possible with at least something ;]
12 years ago
I just added another herb garden its only small ( 8 plots )..but better than nothing ..and there is also a little 4 plot at end of street....you guys are all welcome to use them :)
12 years ago
HA HA! DUMB HUMAN HERB! THE GREAT ZIM WILL NOT PAY ANY- okay, zim + glitchen trying to act like zim = total failure. :P
12 years ago
Zooo Zooo snapped this
at 10:26am on August 8, 2012
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