Status update

Yes it was one of the last options, maybe the last even. I have noticed though, that the more you turn down a trade with Rube - the higher the value of the trade gets... That's what seemed to of happened, i'd turned down about five or six trades; and that particular time i'd also taken essence of Rubeweed for the first time... A couple of 'what else do you have' clicks later, boom! I was pretty happy, wasn't sad at all about losing the grand ol' grinderl! *:) And actually, not sure if you get a trophy for collecting all three. Is Ludwig the last one you need?

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  1. HopeforAlice

    Yes. Mainly I wanted to hold the all together just to see what happens. Hoping at least for extra xp. Hmm, I think I'll get back to rube rejecting then ;)

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Status update

Yes. Mainly I wanted to hold the all together just to see what happens. Hoping at least for extra xp. Hmm, I think I'll get back to rube rejecting then ;)

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Status update

Sounds good :) I'm going in game right now just for a bit; I'll send Ludwig you're way via mail. ;)

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1 reply
  1. Struddle

    OMG, can't believe you mailed it - haha... I'm so precious with my dolls. Thank you very much, received - I have sent you an Ann doll back. I also have fritzy. OH and NOTHING happens when you have 3 dolls.

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