Status update

you can find salamanders in most wooded areas, especially around fallen logs, with a lot of moisture-laden leaves on the ground. That's where they love to hide, hunt and lay their eggs. I'm trying to remember my basic reptilian biology from my teenage, salamander collecting years/ I can;t recall, but some are poisonous, which is exuded through their skin, so you should do some basic library research before you handle any or take a field trip. They are neat looking and many are absolutely beautifully marked, pink and black, or green and black, many beautiful color combos. Herpitology was my passion as a young lad, and I've handled cotton-mouth water moccasins, copperheads and all sorts of other snakes, turtles, salamanders and other reptiles. It's a lot of fun to go snooping around in the woods, and it allows you to get really up close to the world around you, one blade of grass at a time. If you allow yourself the luxury of just letting go, and merging with it, you will have an amazing experience, I promise you.

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