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everwets's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

everwets's Home Street

Owned by everwets


This street hasn't been cultivated yet!


everwets hasn't added any neighbors!


Click on the post on the far left and add our names to it so you can zoom to our houses from there. There's tons of weird stuff on my lawn - help yourself to the trees, the peat, the dirt pile, the pig, fireflies, basically anything but the herbs. Oh yes, and the crops. You know. Corn. Pick as much corn as you like if you get hungry.

I'll leave you the keys to my house soon, there's a spice, bubble and wood tree in my backyard, help yourself to those too. In my house you'll find a lot of shelves: feel free to take any potions, gases, and sauces as well as the hooch. Basically anything in a bottle is a free for all.

Oh, if there are groceries on the table, feel free to grab those too. Except the cucumber. Don't...take the cucumber. It's Seb's. You don't want to take the cucumber.

Leave the other stuff, especially the herbs and ores. I use them to make...fun stuff. Real fun stuff.

Corn is nutritious,