Kayleemarie3395's Home Street

Owned by Kayleemarie3395


1 Fruit Tree, 1 Egg Plant, and 1 Spice Plant.


A note!
I never met you or even knew you yet it pains me sorely that we may never have the chance again, separated by space and time in the infinite wastes of yesterday. I'm sad and sorry yet glad we had at least the chance.
A note!
Hi! I saw your note in the Vortex of Random and decided I would stop by and leave a note for you. Hope you had a good time with Glitch and exploring the land of Ur!
A note!
Found your note in Vortex of Random; wasn't that place awesome? So sad Glitch is going away. :( Hope this note finds you well!
One never knows where one will meet.

Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!
Thank you for the Quest
I read your note in the Vortex. Thank you for a nice quest. I will miss Glitch most because of Glitchians like you. Thank you for making UR such a wonderful place.

I was here!
Found your note :)
A note!
Read your message
long live glitch!
Don't u just love the vortex of random? Thx for leaving that note there. may glitch live on in our hearts
A note!
Read your message. Glitch is in our hearts always.
I saw your note in the Vortex. It's little things like that which I'll miss the most about this game. <3
A note!
I found your note in the Vortex - isn't it such a fun place! And when I came here, what did I find but all these lovely notes to you. It all sums up this wonderful game for me. I'm glad we've been able to experience it.
A note!

Saw your note..... May Glitch return some day... wishing you all the best!!
I read your note in the Vortex of Random. One of the things I'll miss most about this game is these random connections with players. Most people here care about each other, and the community of players. That's rare and special.
I saw your note in the mountains.
Level 9! You barely got a chance to explore. *hugs*
stop worrying and love the bomb
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.
But I know well meet again some sunny day
A note!
i saw your note. i will miss glitch so much!
Hi there! I found your letter in the moutains.I'm sooooooo sad that Glitch is closing .This is all I have to say. R.I.P. GLITCH :[