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Heather Doglady's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Heather Doglady's Home Street

Owned by Heather Doglady


3 Jellisac Growths, 4 Spice Plants, 1 Fruit Tree, 2 Egg Plants, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Bean Tree, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Dullite Rock for mining, and 1 Sparkly Rock for mining.


A note!
As glitch closes soon sadly there is no need to sell anything more. Goodbye glitch, goodbye my friends. I will miss you. Thanks for visiting my tower.
A note!
As long as we remember, it can never be taken from us. When it is gone the space for it will remain.
Boxy Sisterico/ Smallworlds

Living in your Heart
As long as we remember, it can never be taken from us. When it is gone the space for it will remain.
Boxy Sister
c/o Smallworlds.com