Troy McClure's Home Street

Owned by Troy McClure


A Firefly Swarm, 6 Jellisac Growths, 3 Mortar Barnacles, 1 Peat Bog, 1 Dirt Pile, 3 Spice Plants, 1 Fruit Tree, 1 Egg Plant, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Gas Plant, and 4 Crop Garden plots.


It Does
It does matter :)

A note!
Your mailbox must be full of goodies...
Welcome to the mystery spot!
Enjoy your prize.
Street poll - please read!
Shall I leave this patch empty, for image points for street users? Or should I plant a tree? If so, what tree? Please leave me your votes, either on pieces of papers or messages to my butler. Thanks.
Newbtopian Community Sponsor!
This document certifies that 1,000 currants was contributed for the advancement of the Newbtopian tower.

The site of this educational and inspirational structure was chosen very carefully to reflect and inspire both the lofty aspirations & ideals of it's community, and the need to get a really big tract of land relatively cheaply.

Though not endorsed, promoted, or encouraged by the Giants in any way, you can rest assured that they at least don't seem at all upset by it, since all the Icons on site function mostly properly, especially when money is tithed.

We hope that you, and your children Glitchen learn from this monolithic structure of hard work and determination- not from the school of hard knocks and alienated confusion.

Again, Great Sponsor, I thank you.
The community thanks you,
and this overpriced sheet of paper would, I'm sure- if it could- give you it's warmest regards...

Biofellis, founder of Newbtopia.
Barnacles and Peat to the West
Go to the the West young Glitch! Go West! If you break it, please do what you can to restore it.Visit Umbra next for the Fireflies and Barnacles route. Visit Sparty Girl for more peat!
I think
You're quite funny, and I wish I'd run across you in game