Tumahura's Home Street

Owned by Tumahura


1 Wood Tree.


Tumahura hasn't added any neighbors!


BOU - January issue
Creative BOU (Bit o'Ur) issue for January

One of the reasons I started BOU is because I like new things, specially new ways of doing the same old things, that's why this is writen on paper instead of a blog, and it's also available in auctions so anyone can buy it and put it inside their pockets.

I bet many of you don't know about the lost blog, the one with some amazing pieces of work that didn't made the final cut for this game.

The Russian girl behind some of the most beautiful locations in glitch, like Cerbakul and Kristel_Kaos, continues to create some amazing and yammy work.
http://bit.ly/x1VXaD & http://bit.ly/x9zAAa

Something that reminds me a lot about glitch is the recent work of David Lanham, really unique and colorful stuff.

And at last, jojo5000 the most popular guy with a beard is puting everyone in wonder with his mysterious outfit, who is he? http://bit.ly/A9HziF

Thanks for reading this issue,
Spawning Areas XD
Alakol: Brunnan Bafflings - Honey

Aranna: Lowen Len - BigSalad

Besara: Dunlin Roble - Carrot

Lorme Rush - Brch Syrup
Ora Soon - Gamma's Pancake
Raudan Sparkle - Honey
Simpele Slip - Salmon&Beer
Toisi Trappings - Plnks
Uko Grips - Apples
Akkas Apparata - Hrty Grddle Sndwch
Venet Root - Lemons near MV sign
Poro Nella - Sprkly

GFJ - Slow Gin Fizz
Burnabee - Bubble Tea

Grddle Heights: Vicar's Peak - Ix Braised Meat

Grddle Meadow: Martleby Hare - Pwdr of Mld Fecudity and Flamin Humbaba

Ilmenskie Deeps: Ajaya Bliss - fancy pick
Nandak Intention - Blue Bggr Bag

Ix: East Spice - Old Spice, Camphor and Allspice
Flipside - Turmeric
Guillermo Gallera Way - Nutmg

Jethimadh: Svarta Swale - Bbble Tea

somewhere - 5 music boxes

Hakusan Heaps - Emo Bear

Masod Match - Earthshker

Yugadi Yearns - Chse Pltter

Kebra Glories - Lembrger
Sheba Shales - Slow Gin Fizz
Afar Whence - Carrot Seeds

Otkybrya - Earthshker
Anarchy of the Heart
(Part 3 of 3)
Loving in thoughts
Thinking in love
Use thy heart
Anarchy of the Heart
(Part 3 of 3)
Loving in thoughts
Thinking in love
Use thy heart
Haiku of the Day
I once had a dog
It was always doing speed
But then I ate it.
16 wall segments
240 barnacle talc

180 boards = done
64 wood posts = done
16 beams = done
Anarchy of the Heart
Hearing in deafness
Screaming in silence
Use thy ears

Seeing at night
Blurring at light
Use thy sight

Loving in thoughts
Thinking in love
Use thy heart