Fort Aban Don

Region: Drifa


An Alchemical Goods Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Zille., and Plus 9 Ice Nubbins, and 3 Bubble Trees.


A note!
It's cold out here. Have a little something warm.
A snowball?
No, I diamond. I think I would have preferred a snowball to throw from these heights and giggle with laughter with my fellow Glitchen. But the day grows dark, and soon I'll be so far from home.
A note!
Enjoy this party...whoever you are :)

a memoir
At first it kind of shocked me that my initial goal was to focus heavily on culinary arts (and therefore vying for Pot?s favor) only to see my favor with Lem far surpass it without a lot of effort from me. However, given my long-time love of travel and exploration carrying over to my actions in the game, I realized it was just natural for Lem to be my so-called patron giant in it.

I didn?t make it to every single street of Ur as was my initial goal, nor did I really put my penpersonship to use until now, but i?m okay with that. Our lives are short so there will always be places that remain unknown to us, but it?s the memories and adventure in those far off lands we do visit that mean so much more. And as someone who would always take every incentive to travel and explore new places long before I discovered Glitch, I could not be more at peace with this conclusion even if my stay in Ur was cut short.

Thanks, Lem and Tiny Speck. You've given me a great adventure.
The Final Candle
The flame flickers, and the candle gutters out.

Farewell, whispers the darkness.

See you again someday, says the light.
Goodnight Ur, goodnight Giants, goodnight to all the flowers, trees and animals. Goodnight butler, goodnight Magic Rock, goodnight water, stone and ice, goodnight Street Spirits, goodnight Rube.

I didn't want to wake up. But a dream is a dream.

- @wintermintgreen.
The End of All
I cannot end my efforts here nor from my heart let joy be taken
This was my home; I will not remember it as any different
Its passage scars my heart but does not break it
Too valued are the things that I have gained

Far and few between are precious places
Better to have shared in brief beauty than turn to stone
Light falls even within the deepest shadows

When all is said and done a world is only so wide as the mind that percieves it
It fades but its impression is left upon me

In its name I strive, and recreate.
a goodbye
It's been a hell of a good time. I love you. I will miss you.

Dream on. Maybe we will find each other on another night.