EmiB's Snaps

A rare moment alone in Cebarkul
Botler and I are happy with the makeover
Hanging out with my Senor Funpickles.
Ilmenskie Jones Race: The Cubi versus the Pig.
Hanging out on a ledge...
I'm lookin' at you, Magic Rock.
Some fun notes going on over here....find and read!
SB-1 Music Block
Whee, fun times at the strawberry parade!
Jail break.
My house is looking kinda sketchy...
Illimenskie Jones!!!! He came back!!!
All the "for sale" signs...
Retro chic!
Testing out some action shots in Fenneq.
I never noticed the "Just Say No-No" sign!
The Lake in Tahli
Is it just me, or is that the face from Hell in the pink statue?
Fuel! Tithes! Everything in my house is so needy.
Goodbye my Salatu home. Fare thee well stolen Illimenskie Jones...
Party pooper butterflies
EmiB in her native habitat.
New shelves and wall colors
Danish Modern Style Glitch home!
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