Miss Portinari's Snaps

this blockmaker has been running since last night! ...bug report...
just playin' with my bartender before I sell him...
...narrowed it down to 4... I feel like I really want to like the...
trying to decide which box looks best with my wallpaper...
two new glass shelves, and my study is complete!
more cubi shelves
...sacrificing, uh, I mean *releasing* another cubi ;)
phantom cubi ghost
new hair & outfit
I love coming home to a full garden :)
chick house!
cubi not going anywhere!
looks like someone lost their cherry in one of the sleazier old...
we're stuck above the moon...
all the notes and items were gone... so I left a few new ones....
so pretty :)
something strange on stoot's street...
decorating is about the only use I have for broccoli...
someone rubeweeded my entire garden!! they did 30 more plots...
rise and shine :)
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