Delyth's Snaps

Gathering at Stoot's to share memories.
the "Underground" railroad in Cebarkul
Icicles be lovin' dem trains. Ice cold.
I'm streaking, with my own personal "moon" following me...
Happy Zilloween!
In black and white, this reminds me of the game Limbo.
Poor guy's building manager needs to fix his tower sign.
Holy Feat, Batterflyman! Everyone's getting HI!
This must be Jujus' secret hideout. Lots of stolen paper from the...
Abducted in the middle of the night... still in my rollers and...
That frog really will find you anywhere.
Look at this beautiful bubble under the ocean!
So serene...
I'd like to be under the sea... in an Octopus' Garden in the shade.
So beautiful.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease give me a fireplace for my house, Tiny...
Mom said if I played Tetris long enough, I'd have bad dreams...
No sudden moves...
Last night, I dreamed of flying among the onion rings.
I want a face bandana, too.
The chickens finally complained about all the squeezing... now...
Fly me to the moon...
Sitting room / trophy room.
The closest I could get to a "man cave / workshop"....
Anyone else feel like they're going to slip and fall when they...
So beautiful... and so sad.
I always feel like... somebody's watchin meeeeee...
Cactus, if you don't like the heat, stay out of South Texas.
Sunshine on my Glitchen makes me happy...
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