Addlepated's Snaps

I will miss my rock.
I will miss my entry.
I will miss my wall o'tickets.
I will miss my purple room.
Here, kitty kitty.
This is different.
An exclusive club, but they want me as a member? Ha!
My eyes must be keener than this.
Giant spice tree!
Happy block people
Me and a friend.
Don't forget to jump into the portal and see what's in there!
What am I seeing here?
Adventures in tree deprivation.
Doing some decorating.
I don't understand why my garden depletes in stripes like this!
What is this? Bog Borg? Condos? Inquiring minds want to know.
Lookie what I found!
Neener neener, you can't get me!
Flying through giant onion rings, whee!
Sticky, I imagine.
Not sure what I did to make this message happen!
So very infuriating to do this!
Home, sweet home.