acreditando's Snaps

I know!
tic toc tic toc...
<3 balatik
tic toc tic toc
where's the river?
always zoolina for me :D
they're not all really here
a last surprise :)
last pic with u...
Love you too, but in a kind of creepy way...
butterflies giant flags
2nd and 3rd floor
<3 <3
a forgotten prisoner
B&W rube
sorry, but it's really funny :)
we wish you a merry glitchmas XD
never forget the kind glitchen inside of you!!
never forget the kind glitchen inside you!
This game is absolutely preposterous.
I'll miss you broken cubi...
HUGE blue DIE!
this is pretty serious...
found you!!!!
I wish I could have one of you, little stooties
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