Deanna's Snaps

BFF in Ur :D
Brandie! and I on the edge of the world <3 (Thanks for playing...
Watching over the end
BYE :(
Goodnight Timtim. Countless hours spent grinding and I don't...
Goodbye Bureaucrocs!
Guess Le Voyage Violet isn't the only purple place in Ur :)
Covert purple grow-op
Can't believe I almost left Ur without realizing these were here
Hadn't even realized there were abandoned apartment buildings
The players in this game are so amazing :D
Queen of Hell Mountain
Drinks with the bartender
This is it!
They weren't kidding about the gore :x
Finally bit the bullet and died :O
Pasha's Place, my original home street <3
D for Deanna
Goodbye :(
I'll miss you, Beau Buttons
Grandma Juju!
Cozy Arbor Hollow
The end is nigh! (Or 'Neigh')
Cutest kitchen
Stoot, a kitty cat, and a sno-cone vendor cubi <3
Stoot wisdom
I feel dizzy o_0
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