swordsforhands' Snaps

To think I maybe could have looked like this..
Cloudy Val Holla
Almost forgot this feeling of..
Oh my god Heli-Kitty<3.
Hello moon<3.
The beauty that is Uutiif..
Sad Glitch is sad..
Oh my god, this guy is so cool<3.
Second floor of my redecorated house.
Placed some new stuff in my house, I'll enjoy it for as long as...
Sharing our last Glitch moments..
I.. am.. seeing things.
Turds.. Jelly turds everywhere!
And so it happened that I entered my.. inner mind.
I'm being watched and.. Well, Zzybzfrx is just floating there.
So this.. is my mind?
Butterflies falling from the sky and a cactus who thinks it's too...
Ooft, the desert is a tough place.
Too bad it ended so quickly.
This.. Is.. AWESOME!
Floating glass panels? That's new for me.
Rare item vendor, encounter #2!
Ooh, what a dark room ;D
I'd really like to take one of them lizard things home </3.
Woo! New amazing bouncy bed.
Aw, well atleast he died in a nice place, surrounded by.. these...
Peace signs and other.. wacky things, in Snool.
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