Bye Water's Snaps

wheee thanks
omg just wow
wow what a place . . . this is amazing :D
a cove to explore :D
Esquibeth I believe :)
the beautiful waterfall :D
stopping to admire the view before moving on :D
I solved a puzzle :D
I can swim . . . well I dont drown :D
but I cant swim . . . can I?
the very start of the quest I'm so excited :D
part of the story too
yay :D
Oh I wanna dance too
oh graffiti here?
well guess you're not shrinkable?
tiny but now what? hmm
more pretty snow :)
I like puzzles :D
cool view
heh nope but i gotta feeling I will
I need one more wrizzard, but where is it . . . oh I think I'll...
sniff, button flowers smell like . . . like hmm chocolate :D
my old pre imagination home
My new bed, thank you to a very sweet and awesome friend :D
nope you aint getting my orb, go gummie someone else
I claim this land for Ur . . . ummm . . . oh oops that should...