Oh goodness! Seven?? I only had five! :O
12 years ago
Same here! It was a pleasure knowing you, Errata.
12 years ago
Mocha Maid
I've only opened 3 of my 6 so far... best of luck!
12 years ago
Suddenly Psycho
I had 6, didn't think it was that big of a deal :P
12 years ago
Errata Stigmata
Ha, thanks Deathlyhorror!

Boni, well, the moving box from my old house had very little in it to be fair, as I'd pretty much moved everything over (what was left was mostly animals, RHK stuff & a set of icons), & very little in the one from my /home street too.

Mocha Maid, good luck getting organised! I still have 3 to open too!

Love is Evol, well I get very laggy real easily & it'll probably take me ages to sort it all out. I'm just thankful that *most* of it (except for the stuff that was in SDB boxes) was in clearly labelled & colour coded bags or it really would be a nightmare.
12 years ago
Seven? I only had four! Now I'm wondering what happened to the gnome I left behind in Aratikaya Kaya Quarter.
12 years ago
Errata Stigmata
Mal'akh! I've been wondering where my Gnome from my old Simpele Slip Quarter is too! When I went back to the world I was in my old quarter (even though when I left to the main street, there was no signpost anymore) but my Gnome wasn't outside my old house. I guess the poor fellows have got lost in the move, grr!
12 years ago
Errata Stigmata Errata Stigmata snapped this
at 2:26pm on May 10, 2012
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