Status update

I still like it here more than anywhere else. *pout* I now have seven new "games" or "alternate locations for Glitch related activities and or communications". That means, a lot of tabs open all the time. That also means, with school starting tomorrow, an awful lot of time that won't be available as before. I'm not sure how to narrow it down. I have successfully created a Fallen London (as well as two other card type games at the same site) addict out of my guy, so that makes it a more likely choice. But, I don't know that I can get rid of anything...I like them all! I guess I'll have to let the jigsaw puzzle thing go because it takes up so much time AND tells me exactly how much time I've spent on it (oh, how embarrassing!). I don't think NationStates or GoodReads Gltich groups need to go because they don't suck lots of time, I can just go check and make some choices. Tinkatolli shouldn't be a time suck but it has that silly little message for each street "more collectables in a few minutes" so, really, how can I not stick around and wait a few minutes for more free junk?? Freggers and Miramagia don't require a lot of time but I like coming back to make more gold. And now the new snoopy thing, well, it doesn't really require any more time or effort than I'm able to give so, I can't just let that go. I might have a problem!!

3 replies

Status update

{{{{HUGS}}}} I know what you mean. I have gone back to gaming with hubby in Puzzle Pirates and Wizard101, and we're trying out Spiral Knights. I'm still enjoying Miramagia, but I think I'll be dropping freggers -- it doesn't have the pull or satisfaction that I'm getting from Miramagia. Do you have links for Fallen London and GoodReads Glitch?

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    Thank you!! And, I DO have links...yay (crowd goes wild): GoodReads = and Fallen London = . My guy also adores Zero Summer and Winter Strike at the same game hub as Fallen London. I haven't tried them but he's read a few of the cards to me and they are pretty funny/interesting. I tried puzzle least I think I did...maybe I just downloaded it and then got busy, I forget now, lol!!

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Status update

What I have to know is... Why is picking up trash so much fun? There must be some psychological reason for it. I mean, it's literally trash, yet I can't seem to get enough of that game.

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    Please note: the correct term is "junk", not trash. LOL! I know, I haven't even built anything yet even though I did "buy" blue prints. "Ohh, a piece of junk. Ohh, another piece of junk."

    1 reply

Status update

I like it here best too. I've tried Freggers, but cute as it is, it can be frustrating and very limited. Spiral Knits is fun to play once in a while. I'm looking forward to Mage Faire, and hoping to soon get some sort of emulator to play Antilia on my Mac. I think soon I'll try miramagia and nation states. Still, there's no place like Ur. *clicks heels desperately*

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2 replies
  1. Wynella

    Give a try too. It's the first game I've ever seen that encouraged playing offline. Freggers is cool, but not much to do to. And their hands are monstrous! Also? I went and searched for "Spiral Knits" LOL Could be an interesting yarn-spinning game!

    2 replies

  2. Minkey

    sigh, keep clicking your heels, just in case!! Yes, you must try tinkatolli. It is a game for kids but I can't seem to leave it alone! Yeah, Freggers is limited and takes a long time to get anything done. I had some pointers from SofyWofy (another glitch) so that helped me get more stuff collected to turn in for coins. I'm looking forward to giving MageFaire a try too...we'll see...