
Show me your blarg, win a prize...NOW WITH A WINNER and PROBABLY NOT MUCH BLARG!

Edit: prize is listed below, maybe ill pick a second place winner too, but it wont be as much crap as what I made up, so there.  Remember, the voices tell me to do this stuff so I dont get much of a choice.

For the next 2 weeks (till September 19, 2012) all you new folks level 17 and below can make up to 3 snapshots and post them in your profile.

The winner as determined by me will get a nice big bag of..stuff.  Stuff that someone new might enjoy, and might not.  Things that are of use for the users and useful Glitches.  Maybe a shiny or two.  Or three.

Show everyone of Ur what you think a blarg is and what it means to you. I expect competition to be so fierce that blood would spill.  If we had any, but we dont.  Ok I do, but its in a jar and I dont just show it to anyone.  You have to be speshul.


1) Level 17 and below - this is for lowbies/noobs.  The prizes are things someone new can use.

2) You must post up to 3 links here in the thread in the SAME POST.  I dont want to have to fly around and backtrack just to see that you posted upthread.  One post only, and you can edit it up until the end, just to be fair.  You never know when your best blarg will come flying out.

3) BLARGS ONLY, no frongs, glurts or anything else.  Its pretty obvious what a blarg is and is not.

4) Have fun! If you dont have any fun you are immediately disqualified and get nothing good day sir.

5) There is no five....yet.

6) I JUST REMEMBERED - the 19th is TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY.  So PIRATE BLARGING might get bonus points.  But it might not.  BE CREATIVE.  Or not.  

Ok, maybe you read all that crap up above to get to the list of prizes, here goes:

1. A Big Bag O' Blarg - obviously, cuz you cant just hand this stuff out, it needs to come in a bag

Inside is:
1 - first series Cubi in a box
1 - second series Cubi in a box
1 - 5/5 Jar of EHSP powder
3 - diamonds
1 - High Class Hoe
1 - Super Scraper
1 - Irrigator 9000
1 - Ace of Spades
1 - Class Axe
1 - Fancy Pick
1 - Grand ol' Grinder
1 - Smelter
1 - Cauldron
1 - Tincturing kit
1 - Rare Spoiled Strawberry seed
1 - Rare Old Tree Poison Antidote 1/1

This will make a nice bunch of goodies for someone who is new or low level here, tools to get the various jobs done, and a couple of rare things not being made anymore.

All the entries look good so far but there are a couple more days to try it, so give it your best shot and blarg it up.

Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • thats a blarz! *blows referee whistle*
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm over the level requirement, but I couldn't resist posting this... because c'mon... this is TOTALLY a blarg.
    Posted 12 years ago by AlexFinch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can neither confirm or deny the blarginess of any image.  Maybe.

    Ok I could for onion rings..
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • elf, I just threw up irl but I didn't get my camera in time.  Do I still win?
    Posted 12 years ago by Sloppy Ketchup Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes, win pudding cups

    I guess thats it for the contest folks, ill pick a winner and announce it when i finish my whiskey fueled rampage..
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OK i finally sobered up!


    Anyways, during my whiskey fueled rampage in downtown Boston* I heard some voices.  They told me to pick this one and I think its a pretty fair example of a blarg and it has some historical value to it too.

    The voices also told me to pick a first runner up, since it was such a close decision.  This glitch will get a nice bag of tools and stuff - but probably no blarg.

    Thank you to everyone who participated and maybe sometime in the next 5 years or so we can do this again.  But not anytime soon.  I have a hangover.


    * I dont even live near Boston, but the drinks....make me do stuff.
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • congrats to the lucky blargers!!!!! wooot!!!! pass around those drinks elf!!!

    *passes lime and aspirin to sloppy*
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes, congratulations!  I liked all the participants' photos...they were cute.
    Posted 12 years ago by Minkey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks elf!
    Celebratory blarging:
    Posted 12 years ago by Harvey Donnager Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have some blargh. to post, how do you make a link with a word?
    Posted 12 years ago by Sad Pollen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So much fun, this thread is! You all ROCzzzBlargbq!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Dahlia DreadNaught Subscriber! | Permalink
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