
PIG offers street-sitting services

Many Glitchen on the East Coast of the US have unfortunately been impacted by Hurricane Sandy. PIG members, along with members of the larger community, have been diligent in providing assistance to those facing power outages, by visiting player home-streets and seeing to it that the piggies are fed and cared for. In the face of such a tragedy, taking care of players' piggies is a small thing, but it has at least brought some comfort to those affected.

PIG would like to inform the community that we are always here to provide such services to anyone needing to take an extended leave-of-absence from the game. We will feed your street-piggies, and/or provide youth potion free-of-charge so you can store your backyard piggies.

We at PIG have enjoyed much community support, and we appreciate it greatly. Your continued support is welcome, seeing as how PIG members volunteer our time and our own resources to the welfare of piggies and the players who love them. We are always grateful for any and all contributions of youth potion and/or ingredients, feeders, and piggy food such as grain and crops. These donations go a long way in furthering our efforts to help the community with all your piggy needs.

To request our services or to leave a donation, simply go to our group page ( and contact any of our members directly. To all of our friends on the East Coast, we would like to extend our deepest condolences and our hopes for a successful recovery. Stay safe, and know our thoughts are with you. Hugs!

Posted 12 years ago by KitchWitch Subscriber! | Permalink