
Community Crop Garden Route ------ RESET

Hi everyone, I'm the new curator of the community crop garden route, I have completely reset the route due to over the past few days that I have been the curator, i've noticed the amount of MIA players, so I'm doing my best to get rid of these players.

To join the route you need a minimum of.
30 Crop Plots
1 Piggy

the route is capped at 45 members and i welcome any old members who want to return and new players who want to join. members would be required to tend/check on there gardens. I can replant, water, hoe if I notice players been looted or ask me. I will also be looking round the route daily.

if you get looted, please report a list of your suspicions of people to me and I can help weed it down for you, so you can ban your looters.

You can either join up at the link below

Or join up in the housing resource routes group page on the crop garden thread.

Many thanks
James ♥

Posted 12 years ago by Santa Clause Subscriber! | Permalink