
Historic Guest Book - In Case You Care Enough - Notes Project

 I have started a HISTORIC Guest Book with lists of visitors (on the orange goo note poles) and notes project on my street. Please check it out! I would love your help too! 

Looking for glitches to write funny, interesting, truthful, caring, kind, cynical, righteous, amazing, cute, or something creative like a recipe or a story or memory of glitch. Admit your glitchy secrets and sins! Write something!

Hopefully not all doom and gloom as I want to record the happy memories too not just the ones of the world's end. It's up to you! I need note poles and notes! I already have a bunch but have been asking if anyone wants to participate by sending me their notes and or note poles. If you don't want to respond here please give your notes to my butler  or mail if my butler is full. All credit will be given where credit is due if you only participate by adding note poles! If you want to start  one last big bang route following the same idea especially if I run out of room on my street or tower... I will video screen record all the notes on my street and or others if anyone else wants to do this too before the world closes on December 9th. Once I have decent video screen shots, I will post it to my channel: Let me know your thoughts!

Posted 12 years ago by Arthur Dent-Ur Subscriber! | Permalink
