
Annoying keyboard control inconsistencies

So, when you hit Enter in the midst of several interactive objects, you get the little window showing them all, and, since they're laid out horizontally, I instinctively use left and right arrows to move between the selections. Now say one of those selections is a multi-street signpost (or even when just activating a multi-street signpost alone) -- often the street name signs are roughly horizontal. But when I hit left or right to select one... I walk away from the sign and have to start the interaction all over again.

It's not as bad when the object you select is something like a plant/animal/etc, which has a vertical menu, so you'd expect to navigate with up and down. But with the original multi-object dialog, both left/right and up/down move between selections.

Posted 13 years ago by Thrillho Subscriber! | Permalink