
[investigating] Jumped out of Rainbow Run screen (the nice, pretty part)

Repro Steps--
Clicked to give Rainbow Run a try (failed at it a few times during the last testing)
Decided to activate Spinach in hopes of moving around more/quickly.

Expected Behavior--
I expected to hop around like mad and collect my little quoins/currants.

Actual Behavior--
I hopped out of the Rainbow screen (right side). When i came down there was black all around with some Rainbow screen to the left. I ran (horrified) to the Rainbow Run area. I got back onto the colorful screen but could only go so far (maybe 5 or 6 rock-pile lengths in... sorry, not sure how to measure here). I tried hopping out but it didn't work. I was able to walk behind a bush (on the edge of the colorful area on the right) and continue walking into the black. From where i was stuck i could still see the black part to the right.
My time was up and i was sent out of Rainbow Run. Sorry, no screen shot (i need to memorize how to do that) and i ran out of time to recreate.

edit to add--
I was able to recreate it with screen shots.

Posted 13 years ago by Niknik Subscriber! | Permalink