
Skills, fast learning, changing skills

it is bugged somehow, sorry for my english but I try to describe

Way it seems it should work: start learning skill that takes 10h. Spend emblem make skill faster by 2.5h. Now skill takes 7.5h and it remembers another 2.5h is speeded. So at 5h mark it become normal speed again and you can use another emblem for nother 2.5h. And since no normal speed time left, you cannot use another emblem (no need to wait to use 2nd emblem at 5h)

Now what happening to me seweral times:
1) I get skill stucked so no more emblems accepting. Right now Im lerning Mining IV (5d). I used few emblems (they are way to cheap) and get it down to 4d10h. Then I paused it and when resumed I cannot use another emblems
2) another problem sometimes occurs is quite opposite. I spend all possible emblems to half total time of skills. And sometime I manage to get skill to state where it can accept another load of emblems (theoretically make learning time 1/4 of original).

Now.. I know it has something to do with web based skill starting/resuming and game skill starting/resuming. As I noticed it depends on order and you do it. And it get stucked one way or another so no more pausing/resuming/restarting make it right way again.

As I recall Mining IV (may be inaccurate), I started Mining IV from web (while learning another skill) then spent emblems I had in inventory, resumed learning of another skill (from web I guess). Then bought more emblems, resumed Mining IV from game (and it seems this caused the problem) but I'm not able to use emblems any more.

Another symptom of this state is, when I try to unlearn skills, there are two "Mining IV" icons now (with same unlearning time).

If that helps I will make that skill paused for sometime so somebody can take a look into the state.

I'll try to do more research but it's hard to pinpoint this as I have limited ability to start learning new skills and spending emblems :)

Posted 12 years ago by Elenoe Subscriber! | Permalink