
A couple of minor rendering bugs

I've seen a couple of minor rendering bugs having to do with activity bubble and item label location.

1) An activity bubble is displayed but there's no one visible doing the activity. There's an example in the middle of Cebarkul where there's a floating island with a mineable rock at the  top of the area. If I'm standing directly below it at the lowest level I can't see the rock but if someone is mining the rock I can see the mining activity bubble at the top of my visible area. I've seen the same thing a couple of places in Ilmenskie Caverns.

2) An item label shows up down in the inventory area. There's an  example in Octyabrya where there's a walkable area directly above the Giant's shrine. If I stand directly above the shrine, just the top part of the shrine is visible. If I move my mouse cursor over the shrine the shrine label shows up down in the inventory area, probably around where the bottom of the shrine would be if it were visible.

Looks like you need to do some vertical visibility checking before displaying the bubbles and labels.
System is Flash 10.2/Firefox 3.6/Windows XP

Posted 13 years ago by greyn Subscriber! | Permalink