
Safari loading REAL slow during this last test

At first I didn't think much of it. I have found in the past that when there are large updates loading takes a bit long. And I as also at places (a bar, a party, etc) where I was unsure of how good my connection speed was. But then right at the end of the test (last two hours) I was at home and load speeds had increased to 3 to 5 minutes... sometimes more. And it was very much taxing my processor (or I assume that is what it was because the fan was workin' hard).

Eventually for the last hour I switched to Chrome and initial load time was longish (but I haven't played on Chrome in over a month) but then picked up to normal 10 second-ish load times. And my laptop stopped working as hard.

Any thoughts? Is there any thing I should do to Safari to fix it? Or would you rather me do nothing to Safari and test it next test?

Posted 13 years ago by Lord Bacon-o Subscriber! | Permalink