
An easy way for people to collaborate to help one another achieve "epic quests"?

I started thinking about this after watching a great Ted Talk by game designer Jane McGonigal, and I bet you guys will love it:

In regards to Glitch:

Would be awesome if there was an easy way for people to collaborate to help one another achieve "epic quests" - a few of you guys (Yeoz, Juniper Grumpypants, etc.) are rocking the game, and to be honest I'm pretty horrible at it (like unusually awful), and could use help on my quests to solve some of my virtual problems.

Not that I don't love the pet rock. It's just that building up bonds, trust, and cooperation will make the game super super sticky and socially addictive. My rock? Not so much.

That interaction bodes to infuse players with the kind of crazy, awesome hope that strengthens those virtual (possibly real world too) relationships (I'm imagining Glitch Get-togethers). Ultimately, that seems to be an awesome possibility in building up Glitch's past, in such a way that it could impact our personal real-world futures.

Irrepressibly Hopeful,
-CB (Nellie)

Posted 14 years ago by Nellie Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I am sucking pretty bad too, my initial strategy is not working. That's why I can't wait to get back in and try again, happy to collaborate with you...although I'm no yeoz. or Yogi, if he's here anywhere.

    Have you (or anyone here) played Evoke? I am curious about it.
    Posted 14 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink