
[APP] Glitch Companion Live!


Glitch Companion Live! is a continuation of the Glitch Companion project initiated some time ago as a desktop app. The new Companion is this time available for everyone as a browser extension, popping in directly into your game screen! New powers to the game UI, right at your fingertips :]
This is a collaborative work including the following (awesome) folks:
Janitch from Glitch Atlas
TomC from Glitch Routes
Fczbkk from Glitch Achiever

Features - (top to bottom)

Realtime mini-map
One was just added in the game UI, but this feature has been in the Companion since the first version. The difference here is a slightly bigger area, that you can drag around, with street resource overlays to choose from (powered by GlitchAtlas), and a trail display of your current session.
This way you know where you been already, and where to go next.

Portable street pole
In player home streets, the mini-map get replaced by a neighbors display.
You can hover any of the names to read their resources and how many times you visited them, before actually visiting any of them. Once you find a good pick, just click any name to teleport to their home street. This is especially usefull when the (real) street pole is far away.

Character stats
Four indicators in big numbers, so you don't have to deal with the randomness of the new game UI.
These are all percentage except your level. Starts gray when everything is fine, and turn into colors when your mood is going down, your health is low, or if you're about to gain a level.

Street resources list
Each time you hit a new street, this area gets crowded with a bunch of icons, so you can tell pretty fast what's going on in the area. The vendors and shrine have specific icons, so feel free to hover any icon to see what they mean.

Resources à la carte
Powered by GlitchRoutes, this tiny selector is actually a gateway to all the home streets and their resources. Just pick what you need, and a new resource route is created for you. Use the buttons to teleport back and forth.

Notes multipad
Here you get a notepad to remember your current businesses and ongoing projects.
The area on the right part is a street bookmarker. Unlike the teleport panel in the game UI, this can save an unlimited number of destinations, with a possible description to edit for each street.
And at the bottom, a single line calculator (type 1+1 then enter) for your donations, and other math related fun.

Achievement suggestions
No idea what to do next? The badge area (powered by GlitchAchiever) knows what you already achieved and can get you back into a new adventure in no-time. The listed achievements are a random selection from the easiest ones you can get.

Giant love
And at last a favor-meter for all the giants, to make sure you're in peace with the all the creators of Ur. On display the first three giants with the most favor, as a percentage to emblem. Hover any of them to get the whole list.

Change log
Notification with every new glitch features and bug fixes, as seen on the side of the forums. Except you don't need to check them out on the forums now.

Screenshots and Install

Three links available there:
install: as a script, you'll see a green button top left next time in the game
open: for a second monitor, tablet, smartphone...augmented reality glasses?
try: as an alternate url with fixed frames, not as convenient as the script

Note: Safari support is experimental for the moment, with ninjaKit you have to click the button before it disappears :p
Another option can be tried here for Safari on mac
More generally you can try "greasemonkey your_browser_name" on google if it's not listed above

Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Nice to have it integrated in the window like that, and looks very useful!

    I'm having a real problem with low contrast though. All those grey in grey tones are very hard to distinguish, and cause me at least some eyestrain.

    Just tried the "Build a route" function, and I can't even read the names in the window, due to a combination of font, colour, and font size. I'm pretty sure it's not by screen being to small.
    Posted 12 years ago by Not a Princess Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This looks glorious! But I can't get the Glitch achiever to work? The site that is, I'm on my phone now, can't install anything. I get it to bring up my profile but its um, very wrong? I hope its just my phone...
    Posted 12 years ago by awesome sauce01 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Having the Route Builder in there is awesome - ty!
    Posted 12 years ago by The Cat Face Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Not a Princess I'm trying not to make it pop out too much so you can focus on the actual playing area. For example you don't need to watch the stats if they are gray, they just turn into contrasted colors when they need your attention. About the route, it's small by design just to give you a rough idea how big the route is, and your position in it. You only need to see the current one in big bold green :]
    Still, tell me if you find anything else hard to read, and I'll think about it

    @awesome sauce01 You figured this pretty fast ;)
    Actually Janitch and TomC are playing the game frequently but Fczbkk from Glitch Achiever seems pretty busy with other things at the moment, so a few bugs with his database may be there still... I already told him about the issue, but you can send him a message as well if you like to encourage him ;)

    @The Cat Face Yeah almost too easy, right? ^^
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, you have no idea how badly I want an achievement checker lol. It took a bit of prodding to get my profile, it has my avatar of like 4 avatars ago also lol. When I'm in game, I think I will send a message. Thanks for it all, I'm not wanting to sound like I'm complaining. I'm just...excited for possibilities? :)
    Posted 12 years ago by awesome sauce01 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love this idea, and the screenshots look beautiful, but it doesn't work for older (non widescreen) monitors.

    The game starts with the companion panel closed.  When I click on the little icon to open it, my game reduces to a square.  Smaller game play area, but not to bad, I can live with that in exchange for this.  But there are a few other problems.

    The actual game itself, the chat panel is cut off on one side so I have a hard time making out what people are saying, though with a bit of inference and context, I could piece it together.  But I'm also getting a bag and a half cut off.  That leaves the possibility of 16 missing inv slots that I can't get to with a bigger bag there.  This wouldn't be too bad if I could close the companion panel whenever I want, but once I open the panel, there is no way to close it, the "button" to open it disappears.

    The panel itself gets cut off on the side as well because of the constrained space.

    Closed -- Open

    Again, not at all trying to tear this down.  Wonderful idea and it looks great, but this should be either fixed so that it can be used with smaller resolutions or an ideal screen resolution should be added to the download site (and if there is and I missed it, just kick me and ignore this). ^_^

    Edit: I tried the "try" option on the site and was able to finally see the whole companion sidebar.  It does look wonderful, but it cuts off even more of the screen, 2 bag slots worth (even more missing chat and 32 missing inv spaces if filled with bigger bags).  I'd rather have this option of seeing the full panel and then being able to reduce the panel back to a button when not using it so I can chat and open bags. Screenshotness
    Posted 12 years ago by Kaelyn Renai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • trying to install for crome says crome user scripts and extensions can only be loaded from web store
    Posted 12 years ago by Artilect Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The achiever is a no go. Doesn't work at all for me. All of them come up as "undefined" and when I open it up from the button the page just keeps trying to load them and fails over and over and over...
    Posted 12 years ago by Fauxfire ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Really nice work, Lemo!
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would love to see some bigger screenshots


    Looks awesome though!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Kaelyn Renai Thanks for the detailed report!
    Yeah it's better indeed for higher resolutions, I'll add one on the page
    Can't do much to scale it smaller, but another option would be to use another monitor/devive, if you have any, with the "open" link
    The disappearing button is a bug though, I'll see what I can do about it

    @Artilect Indeed, they changed that recently, that's why I listed TamperMonkey in the requirements for Chrome, which also got a better support for scripts than the built-in module, with auto-updates and edit modes

    @Fauxfire Okay sorry we'll try to figure it out with Fczbkk (or send him a message too :p)

    @Janitch Thx mate!

    @shhexy corin Click any for the full size screenshot ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cool... I really don't think it'd work well scaled smaller, but threw it out as an idea.  Nice to know that the missing close button is only a bug.  That was really the only major problem, I got no problem using this if I can close it when I don't need it to have full access to my bags and chat.  Only problem would be getting the full panel to open at once.

    But, other than the disappearing button, none of that really matters.  I can "open" this up in a new tab or window even without a second monitor and use it like that.  I'm used to switching between tabs and windows while playing anyway, and this way there's a lot on just one page at once. ^_^  I kinda ignored this option based on the description since I didn't have 2 monitors.   **bookmarks** 

    Achiever has never worked for me... it takes forever to load, if it ever does.  Maybe whatever is causing the problem with the main site could be the problem with the companion in that respect.  Or it could just be me. >_<

    If I may make one other suggestion, however.  I'm not sure how feasible it would be, considering I've never worked with the API and I don't know what you're scripting in (my own knowledge of programming languages is very limited) but on the stand alone "open" option of running the Companion, would it be possible to make that page eventually tile the gadgets on the screen, instead of in the one vertical line?  Not necessary, just tossing it out there. ^_^  Feel free to ignore the person who is too lazy to scroll down, like, an inch :P
    Posted 12 years ago by Kaelyn Renai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It works well for me, although the sidebar is cut off for me. It only shows something like 90% of the left sidebar, even if I shift the main screen by minimizing the list of contacts. I can take a screenshot if you like.

    Good job though; I really dig the added functionality, especially the favor indicators, route builder, and resource list. You guys rock!
    Posted 12 years ago by WarrenPeace Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is awesome, thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Serra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Kaelyn It would be nice indeed to display it differently in "standalone" mode
    I don't have any way to do it simply for now...but I'll keep it in mind for a distant future

    @Warren I'd like the screenshot for sure ^^
    Browser and screen resolution would help as well

    @Serra :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks Lemo  -  that didn't seem to work on my PC at work,  but it does now at home.  

    Or maybe I was not paying proper attention at work :)
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tried it; love it. Tour de force!
    5/5: Will use again!
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Is it possible to make something that pets.waters.harvests the stuff what stands still, like the trees, rocks, dirt piles, etc? Of course just petting.watering just the trees. Probably be too difficult to harvest from the animals, but if a listing of the harvestable stuff came up, and you could select which ones you wanted to work completely (after checking your energy/mood), and have the companion just do it, it would help out so much.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tibbi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just like the term "the stuff what stands still..."
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to load the game and click the little green arrow ">" on the left of the loading screen to get it to work. If I miss it (only shows for about 1/2 sec) I have to continue to reload glitch until I can catch it.
    Posted 12 years ago by phelps.mike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tibbi - very possible in fact, Google MMOGlider for an idea.

    It is also very much against the TOS.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator IX Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thx for the feedback guys ^^
    About the pet-water-harvest thingie, that'd be automation indeed as Stu said...
    Mike, this sounds like the issue I described in the OP with Safari, is that your browser?

    You could also choose to have the sidebar open by default,
    I just started to add a few tips & known issues in separate threads
    Feel free to join the Group ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, that is too bad.  I don't really play much anymore because grinding for resources is so tedious (and painful).  Whether it's gardening/harvesting/mining.  Repetitive keyboard/mouse stuff not good for wrists/fingers or minds.

    Well, maybe devs will get on automatic soon.  So far potions for gardening is about the most wrong-headed directions they've gome in so far.  More work to do something that is already too time consuming already.  They should have put the time into automatic or upgrade cards. (sorry, but it just bothers me.  rant off now).

    Thanks for the great work.  It's really stuff that should be part of the game.  They should hire you, Lemo, as a off-site consultant. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Tibbi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • win8, chrome, 1920x1080...BUT I do have a 1280x1024 screen to the left of my main one...I kinda wonder if that is causing it for some reason.
    Posted 12 years ago by phelps.mike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is pretty great, thank you!

    Curious about something - I noticed that the route builder seems to be missing a lot of players. For instance, I know Joan of Dark, Lvca, zechs83 and Punpun all have 15 wood trees in their yards, but specifying 15 wood trees in the builder lists only KANYE and BitOWit (who also have 15 trees each). My own yard has 13 wood trees but doesn't appear when filtering for that many, either, and so forth. They're missing from the website itself, too.

    Is there any way to update the listed users? Seems like a lot of people missing out on potential visitors and a lot of resources that could be harvested wasted.

    Edit: Oh, and another tiny thing! I went inside my home where I keep two Piglets, and while the resource listing recognized they were there, there was no image or hover text for them (it just shows a blank and a 2 under it).
    Posted 12 years ago by Makai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It looks like resolution was the cause of my issue, so never mind. Thanks again!
    Posted 12 years ago by WarrenPeace Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Tibbi Actually most of the tools in this companion are grind-oriented so far, but I have some of ideas for more social features to put in there later.
    They already have a pretty crowded UI that is supposed to please *everyone*, even with really low resolutions, so that's why a sidebar like this is more likely to come as optional extension.
    While I doubt they would add something like the resource route builder, I agree some details would work into the game UI as well, like a third tab for a features list, or the ability to drag the mini-map around for example.

    @Mike Okay then Chrome is officially back on my todo list then :p

    @Makai You may ask TomC for more details, but there is a scanning process going on, that goes around the streets more or less rapidly depending of your connections with others.
    To speed things up, you can add (or remove) your street using the "Join" (or Leave) link on Glitch Routes home page.
    And I will take care of the lost piglets in a moment ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I added the "true" option in the script and it still does the same....any other ideas?

    could we make it "true" always, people that installed it must want to see it....then you can hide it if you want...
    Posted 12 years ago by phelps.mike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Lemo Thank you for replying! It hadn't occurred to me to check the main page for some reason.
    Posted 12 years ago by Makai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Looks great. Tying it out now. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by daniel5457 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah I guess you're right Mike
    Ideally it would be set open by default, and with the open/close state saved between sessions
    No time to work on any of this right now, but it will happen hopefully :]
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yea!!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by phelps.mike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nice work!!
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You too ;)
    Btw I updated the data for Haoma and Kloro,
    they should show up in the minimap just fine now :]

    Also the giants now have their total favor displayed in plain numbers!
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lil round of updates in my available time!

    - in home streets click the pole to teleport back to the center of the street
    - hovering one of the three "top" giants now shows the exact amount to emblem
    - added data for Firozi

    Fell free to post suggestions in the group (those are from Scarf mostly)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • really well done app, it's great having all those more infos while playing
    Posted 12 years ago by Zean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Great app, thanks a lot :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Nivanio Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So this is goodbye I guess!
    Thanks everyone for your time with Glitch Companion
    And to TS, this API was a bunch of fun to play with ^^
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink