
What disappoints me about this game sunset...

For the most part, I think TS's handling of the game's end has been great. They have gone above and beyond what most other companies would do. However, something still bothers me about how the game's end has been handled. Wednesday, I went to the forums like usual and I find that this game is cancelled and will be shutting down in less than a month. And it's a huge shock because there had been absolutely nothing before then to indicate any part of this game was in trouble. Nope, we were getting tons of new features and even a new major artist, and it looks like there were going to be tons of feats in the future for more unlocks, etc.

I find it hard to believe that TS only came into realization of this during this month. Surely there had to be some discussion behind the scenes, or at least some concern about low player rates. Yet we were kept in the dark about the entire time that there was anything wrong going on. Besides one spammy feat, there wasn't even any attempt to get players to recruit. 

I'm no expert on business, but I doubt that word of mouth can cover for everything. However, I can tell you that I did not see an advertisement of this game anywhere. As for the lack of players, it's definitely not because this game can only appeal to a niche market. However, I only found this game because I was reading a MMO blog that usually caters top players of traditional MMORPGs and EVE Online, most of which aren't interested in Glitch, or at least they wouldn't be by reading a few blog posts. In hindsight (20/20, I know), I'm wondering why there weren't hordes of tumblr freaks here. This game caters to every single aspect of their sensibilities. And there are tons of teens and adults who have longed for a more mature version of Neopets. (Not in the pet raising aspect, but the economy and social ones) 

And if the game was losing money, it must've been doing so on a trajectory. But in all, I just don't see that the dev team did anything to try and change its business model.

I'm just shocked by the abrupt ending of this game. I know that City of Heroes has different circumstances behind its closing, but it's had a couple of months for players to get ready for that.  Maybe it's better for a game to go out with a bang than a whimper? 

I guess this is all beyond my understanding, but I'm really baffled about how this has played out.

And preparing to be called "troll" in 3...2...1...

Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • I just want to say that it has been a true privilege to be a part of this world & this community for the past 1-year-plus.  I will always remember this as one of the best experiences of my life.  And, Stoot, whenever everything falls into place & it truly is the right time to make your beautiful dream come true (and that time will come),  I will be banging down the door to get back in. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Berry Goode Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Okay, no blaming here (seriously--none--it's just grief talking in all these comments I think, but the expanded comments from stoot are very much appreciated).

    But do you think TS could come up with an easier loading graphic for the last few weeks. Watching Ur being de-imagined over and over again is heartbreaking.
    Posted 12 years ago by Axa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Eureka

    Part of why I find all this so heart-breaking is that I know you've been through this before and was there when it happened before. But knowing that also makes me think that in another decade you might be back for another try.

    Stoot, I am sorry that people on the forums are second-guessing the decision you made to close the game. Honestly, it seems like kicking someone lying in the middle of the street who's just been run over by a bus and saying "How come you didn't see the bus coming?"

    I think people are struggling with their own heartbreak. RL grief makes me pretty damned cranky myself.

    But please know, that many, many of us believe in the work you're doing, believed in it the first time around with GNE, and will believe in it again in the future. When you're ready, we'll be ready.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Amazon operates at a loss... just saying.
    Posted 12 years ago by Deimaginator Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you Splendora for expressing so well what many of us were thinking. Thank you Stoot for responding and sharing your pain at the loss of your dream. Neither you nor your incredibly creative team failed. You succeeded in creating a very special and unique world which brought out the best in most of us, you gave us joy and allowed us to escape from our everyday woes. I wish all of you success in your future endeavors.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mostly Mellow Subscriber! | Permalink
  • New alternatives to flash?
    Posted 12 years ago by Misty Power Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch is a game of decency (created by and for decent people) and I have just enough optimism left in humanity to believe that there will be room for the decency genre again someday.

    Just be careful what platform you build it on.
    Posted 12 years ago by Elizabeth Park-Fowl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to say, I hope that this game gets re-imagined by the Giants in a different platform. I see where he's coming from re: flash, but I can only hope that Stoot can see a way to start it up elsewhere someday. For instance, I would buy an iPad JUST to play this game. No, seriously. and it would all be tap, swipe to jump, etc. It could work, and then you build smaller, more limited versions for iPod/iPhones... for instance, you can't leave your home street on the iPhone, or you can't see people's images, just their chats. I can see it working in a different way, it would just take.... Well, recoding it from scratch, so I can see the agony there. I swear to the giants, though, I would learn Objective C from scratch and work for free if I thought you would let me, if I thought it would save Glitch.

    You succeeded. The world isn't ready, though. There's too many game companies doing low-down crap like building broken economies, or making the game unplayable without spending money. Or just outright copying games and putting them in a different location (coughzyngacough). Much like most of the business world right now, you just can't be a good person with a good product/business model and get ahead. I seem to have a similar problem with job-hunting, but that's another story. :)

    We love what you've done. It's beautiful, and so very tragic, but I applaud you for doing the hardest thing you've probably ever done in your life. Because so many of us in your position would have thrown money at it until we were burnt out, with employees and players leaving with of the agonizing feeling of watching something they love die slowly.

    SOOOO many hugs.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady Cailia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't see how asking for money for your product is "low-down" and obviously it was not a good business model or we wouldn't be having this discussion. Since when were games supposed to be free? My local health food store is run by good people with a good product/business model but they certainly expect me to pay at the checkout. I've paid for all my games with really good art and music. Diablo III, WoW, Rift, Torchlight, Skyrim, and Glitch of course.

    Hugs as well. This is hard for everyone to watch, the dissolving of a dream. :-(
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm very sorry for your loss, Stoot et al. I hope Tiny Speck thrives, and all the people who're now having to leave thrive as well.

    I'm sorry to see this beautiful community disbanding, and sorry to see this beautiful idea stuttering to a halt, but by Tii be blessed, and may we all find the happiness we need somewhere, even if it isn't here.

    If you do make more games, TS team, perhaps sending out emails to quietly offer the Glitchens spaces in said games would be a nice gesture? Obviously I don't know if that's viable or not; I don't know what kind of server loads you'll be able to take, and so on.

    I do hope everything gets exported and archived safely, and that your grief will be clean and not unbearably deep.

    With love, always, by Tii be blessed and may you walk with the Eleven,

    Dr. Morgue
    Posted 12 years ago by Doctor A. T. Morgue Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I mean sure, thats a great reason to be mad a TS. The thing is, its TS thats allowed me to play Glitch for the past Year. Without them, i wouldnt spend my free time playing glitch, instead of going to that basketball game. What im saying is, Glitch was given to us by TS, and even though we are losing Glitch, the Speckers are losing Much More.
    Posted 12 years ago by Taco Assassin Subscriber! | Permalink
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